ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest |
Czech Republic, CTU Prague, |
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Řešení úloh Školního kola FEL ČVUT, 1999
Protože se minulé kolo konalo v jediný den, nezbyl čas na prezentaci algoritmů vhodných pro řešení úloh. Z tohoto důvodu byla zveřejněny zdrojové programy všech ukázkových řešení, která napsali organizátoři. Tato řešení nebyla většinou žádným způsobem upravena, proto jen málokdy obsahují nějaké vysvětlující komentáře. Matice#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAXCT 20 int dim1[MAXCT][MAXCT]; int dim2[MAXCT][MAXCT]; int l1[MAXCT][MAXCT]; int e[MAXCT][MAXCT]; #define NOO(A,B,C,D) (dim1[A][B]*dim2[A][B]*dim2[C][D] + e[A][B] + e[C][D]) void Print(int i, int j) { if (i) { printf("("); Print(l1[i][j], j); printf(" x "); Print(i - l1[i][j] - 1, j + l1[i][j] + 1); printf(")"); } else printf("A%d", j + 1); } int main(void) { int n, m, i, j, k, l; scanf("%d", &n); while (n--) { scanf("%d", &m); for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) scanf("%d%d", &dim1[0][i], &dim2[0][i]); memset(l1[0], -1, sizeof(l1[0])); memset(e[0], 0, sizeof(e[0])); for (i = 1; i < m; ++i) for (j = 0; j < m - i; ++j) { e[i][j] = NOO(0, j, i - 1, j + 1); l1[i][j] = 0; for (k = 1; k < i; ++k) { l = NOO(k, j, i - k - 1, j + k + 1); if (l <= e[i][j]) { e[i][j] = l; l1[i][j] = k; } } dim1[i][j] = dim1[0][j]; dim2[i][j] = dim2[0][i + j]; } Print(m - 1, 0); printf("\n"); } return 0; } ![]() Var slo:array[0..50, 1..50] of integer; vzni:array[0..50, 1..50] of integer; r:array[0..50, 1..50] of integer; s:array[0..50, 1..50] of integer; i,j,k,l,m,n,ss,p:integer; Procedure output(oper, prvni:integer); Var i,j,k:Integer; Begin if oper=0 then write('A', prvni:1) else begin Write('('); k:=vzni[oper, prvni]; output(k-prvni,prvni); Write(' x '); output(oper-k+prvni-1,k+1); Write(')'); end; End; Begin read(n); for i:=1 to n do Begin read(m); for j:=1 to m do Begin read(r[0, j]); read(s[0, j]); End; for k:=1 to m-1 do slo[0, k]:=0; for j:=1 to m-1 do begin {pocet uvazovanych operaci} for k:=1 to m-j do Begin {pocatecni matice (oerace)} ss:=$3fffffff; for l:=1 to j do Begin {c. posledni provadene operace ve skupine} p := slo[l-1,k]+slo[j-l,k+l]+r[l-1, k]*s[l-1, k]*s[j-l,k+l]; if p<ss then Begin ss:=p; vzni[j, k] := k+l-1; r[j, k] := r[l-1, k]; s[j, k] := s[j-l, k+l]; End; End; slo[j, k] := ss; End; End; Output(m-1, 1); Writeln; End; end. ![]() Plot/* Uloha: Stromy by Jaroslav Volsicky */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define MAX_N 1000 #define INF 200000000.0 int P[MAX_N]; float D[MAX_N]; int m,n; float DirectC (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { float r; if (x1!=x2) r=(float)(y2-y1)/(float)(x2-x1); else if (y2>y1) r=INF; else r=-INF; return r; } float Distance(int startpoint, int lastpoint) { return (sqrt((P[startpoint]-P[lastpoint])*(P[startpoint]-P[lastpoint])+ (startpoint-lastpoint)*(startpoint-lastpoint))); } float MDifrence1(int startpoint, int * lastpoint) { int I,MaxN; float Max; * lastpoint=startpoint; for (I=0;I<n;I++) D[I]=-INF; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (I!=startpoint && P[startpoint]<=P[I]) D[I]=DirectC(P[startpoint],startpoint,P[I],I); Max=INF; MaxN=0; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (D[I]>0 && D[I]<Max) { Max=D[I]; MaxN=I; } if (Max==INF) return 0.0; else return (Distance(startpoint,MaxN)+MDifrence1(MaxN,lastpoint)); } float MDifrence2(int startpoint, int * lastpoint) { int I,MaxN; float Max; * lastpoint=startpoint; for (I=0;I<n;I++) D[I]=-INF; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (I!=startpoint && P[startpoint]<=P[I]) D[I]=DirectC(P[startpoint],startpoint,P[I],I); Max=-INF; MaxN=0; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (D[I]<0 && D[I]>Max) { Max=D[I]; MaxN=I; } if (Max==-INF) return 0.0; else return (Distance(startpoint,MaxN)+MDifrence2(MaxN,lastpoint)); } float SDifrence1(int startpoint, int * lastpoint) { int I,MinN; float Min; * lastpoint=startpoint; for (I=0;I<n;I++) D[I]=INF; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (I!=startpoint && P[startpoint]>=P[I]) D[I]=DirectC(P[startpoint],startpoint,P[I],I); Min=-INF; MinN=0; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (D[I]>Min && D[I]<0) { Min=D[I]; MinN=I; } if (Min==-INF) return 0.0; else return (Distance(startpoint,MinN)+SDifrence1(MinN,lastpoint)); } float SDifrence2(int startpoint, int * lastpoint) { int I,MinN; float Min; * lastpoint=startpoint; for (I=0;I<n;I++) D[I]=INF; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (I!=startpoint && P[startpoint]>=P[I]) D[I]=DirectC(P[startpoint],startpoint,P[I],I); Min=INF; MinN=0; for (I=0;I<n;I++) if (D[I]<Min && D[I]>0) { Min=D[I]; MinN=I; } if (Min==INF) return 0.0; else return (Distance(startpoint,MinN)+SDifrence2(MinN,lastpoint)); } int main () { int a,b,lastMin1,lastMin2,lastMax1,lastMax2; float l; scanf("%i\n",&m); for (a=0;a<m;a++) { scanf("%i\n",&n); for (b=0;b<n;b++) scanf("%i",&P[b]); scanf("\n"); l=MDifrence1(0,&lastMin1)+ SDifrence1(0,&lastMax1)+ MDifrence2(n-1,&lastMin2)+ SDifrence2(n-1,&lastMax2)+ Distance(lastMax1,lastMax2)+ Distance(lastMin1,lastMin2); /* if ((l-floor(l))>.5) l++; */ printf("%.0f\n",l); } return 0; } ![]() program Stromy; const MaxN=1000; var Y : array[1..MaxN] of integer; M, N, mm, nn, X, OldX, NewX, MaxX, MinX : integer; Slope, MaxSlope, MinSlope, Sum : real; begin Readln(M); for mm:=1 to M do begin Readln(N); for nn:=1 to N do Read(Y[nn]); Readln; Sum:=0; OldX:=1; while OldX<N do begin MinSlope:=1000000; for X:=OldX+1 to N do begin Slope:=(Y[X]-Y[OldX])/(X-OldX); if Slope<MinSlope then begin MinSlope:=Slope; MinX:=X; end; end; Sum:=Sum+sqrt(sqr(MinX-OldX)+sqr(Y[MinX]-Y[OldX])); OldX:=MinX; end; OldX:=1; while OldX<N do begin MaxSlope:=-1000000; for X:=OldX+1 to N do begin Slope:=(Y[X]-Y[OldX])/(X-OldX); if Slope>MaxSlope then begin MaxSlope:=Slope; MaxX:=X; end; end; Sum:=Sum+sqrt(sqr(MaxX-OldX)+sqr(Y[MaxX]-Y[OldX])); OldX:=MaxX; end; writeln(round(Sum):1); end; end. ![]() Stavitel#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MIN(A,B) ((A)<(B))?(A):(B) #define MAXDIM 100 int front[MAXDIM]; int right[MAXDIM]; int Cmp(const void * ptr1, const void * ptr2) { int a, b; a = *((const int *)ptr1); b = *((const int *)ptr2); if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; } int main(void) { int i, j, k, n, max, min; scanf("%d", &n); while (n--) { scanf("%d", &i); for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) scanf("%d", front + j); for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) scanf("%d", right + j); max = 0; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) for (k = 0; k < i; ++ k) max += MIN(right[j], front[k]); if (i > 1) { qsort(front, i, sizeof(int), Cmp); qsort(right, i, sizeof(int), Cmp); } min = j = k = 0; while ((j < i) && (k < i)) { if (front[j] == right[k]) { min += front[j++]; ++k; } else if (front[j] < right[k]) min += front[j++]; else min += right[k++]; } while (j < i) min += front[j++]; while (k < i) min += right[k++]; printf("Minimalni budova obsahuje %d kostek, maximalni %d kostek.\n", min, max); } return 0; } ![]() program builder; const MAXC = 100; var FrontView: array [1..MAXC] of Integer; SideView: array [1..MAXC] of Integer; SeenTwice: array [1..MAXC] of Boolean; n: Integer; x: Integer; i, j, k: Integer; s1, s2: Integer; s: Boolean; function min(a, b: Integer): Integer; begin if a < b then min := a else min := b; end; function max(a, b: Integer): Integer; begin if a > b then max := a else max := b; end; begin readln(n); for i := 1 to n do begin readln(x); for j:=1 to x do read(SideView[j]); for j:=1 to x do read(FrontView[j]); for j:=1 to x do SeenTwice[j] := false; s1 := 0; for j := 1 to x do s1 := s1 + SideView[j] + FrontView[j]; for j := 1 to x do begin s := false; for k := 1 to x do if (SideView[j] = FrontView[k]) and not SeenTwice[k] and not s then begin SeenTwice[k] := true; s := true; s1 := s1 - FrontView[k]; end end; s2 := 0; for j := 1 to x do for k := 1 to x do s2 := s2 + min(SideView[j], FrontView[k]); write('Minimalni budova obsahuje '); write(s1:1); write(' kostek, maximalni '); write(s2:1); write(' kostek.'); writeln; end end. ![]() Tolary/* By Jaroslav Volsicky */ #include <stdio.h> int PP[1000][10]; int HOW; int CT[10]={5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000}; float c; void expr (int run, int idx) { int del,z,how_r; for (z=idx;z>=0;z--) { del=run-CT[z]; if (!del) HOW++; else if (del>0) { if (PP[(del-5)/5][z]) HOW+=PP[(del-5)/5][z]; else { how_r=HOW; expr (del,z); PP[(del-5)/5][z]=HOW-how_r; } } } } int main () { int run,n,a; scanf("%i\n",&n); for (a=0;a<n;a++) { scanf("%f\n",&c); HOW=0; run=(int)(c*100.00); if (run%5) { run++; if (run%10) run-=5; } if (run) expr(run,9); else HOW=1; printf("Pocet ruznych sestaveni je %i.\n",HOW); } return 0; } ![]() program Tolary; const hodnota:array[1..10] of integer = (1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40,100,200,400,1000); MaxCena=1000; var Pole:array[1..10,1..MaxCena] of integer; Moznosti:array[1..MaxCena] of integer; function GetPole(mince,cena:integer):integer; begin if cena<0 then GetPole:=0 else if cena=0 then GetPole:=1 else GetPole:=Pole[mince,cena]; end; var castka:integer; castkar:real; mince,cena,c,d:integer; max:integer; n,i : integer; begin readln(n); for cena:=1 to MaxCena do begin pole[1,cena]:=1; for mince:=2 to 10 do pole[mince,cena]:=0; end; for mince:=2 to 10 do for cena:=1 to MaxCena do pole[mince,cena]:=pole[mince-1,cena]+ GetPole(mince,cena-hodnota[mince]); for cena:=1 to MaxCena do begin max:=0; for mince:=1 to 10 do if Pole[mince,cena]>max then max:=Pole[mince,cena]; Moznosti[cena]:=max; end; for i:=1 to n do begin readln(castkar); castka:=round(20*castkar); writeln('Pocet ruznych sestaveni je ',Moznosti[castka]:1,'.'); end; end. ![]() Uvozovky#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n; char c; n=0; while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { if (c=='\"') if ((n++) & 0x01) printf("''"); else printf(",,"); else putchar(c); } return 0; } ![]() program T (input,output); var ch: char; b: boolean; begin b:=false; while (not EOF) do begin while (not EOLN) do begin read(ch); if ch='"' then begin if b then write('''''') else write(',,'); b:=not b; end else write(ch); end; writeln; read(ch); end; end. ![]() ZávislostiK této poslední úloze je hotov i popis algoritmu. Druhé vzorové řešení však není v Pascalu, ale v Pythonu. ;-) Bylo použito pouze pro kontrolu správnosti prvního řešení, nikoli pro stanovení timeoutu.
Popis řešeníNejprve se interpretují všechny příkazy DEPEND a vytvoří se graf komponent (uzel odpovídá komponentě, orientovaná hrana od komponenty ci ke komponentě cj odpovídá závislosti ci na cj).Komponenty jsou umístěny v poli v pořadí, v jakém do něj byly přidávány příkazy DEPEND a INSTALL. Navíc jsou zřetězeny podle abecedního pořadí. Algoritmus pro přidání komponenty c
Algoritmus pro odebrání komponenty c
Algoritmus vypsání seznamu komponent c
Projdi seznam komponent podle zřetězení a vypiš jejich jména.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_COMPONENTS 6000 #define MAX_DEPENDENCIES (MAX_COMPONENTS * 60) + MAX_COMPONENTS #define MAX_NAME 10 struct { int depends; // index to 'components' array int next; } dependencies[MAX_DEPENDENCIES]; struct { int depends; // temporary inverted dependencies for installing components int next; } idependencies[MAX_DEPENDENCIES]; struct { char name[MAX_NAME + 1]; int depends; // index to 'dependencies' array int idepends; // index to 'idependencies' array int installed; int autoinstall; int next; const char *lowest_leaf; int dependencies; // number of components dependent on this component int idependencies; // number of components this component depends on // (in inverted subgraph) int iopen; } components[MAX_COMPONENTS]; int queue[MAX_COMPONENTS]; int nd, // number of dependencies nc, // number of components nid,// number of inverted dependencies nq; // number of components in the queue void init_queue() { nq = 1; } void swap(int *i, int *j) { int k = *i; *i = *j; *j = k; } // put component 'c' to the priority queue // (components in the queue are sorted accornign component names) void enqueue(int c) { int n, n2; queue[nq] = c; n = nq; while (n > 1) { n2 = n/2; if (strcmp(components[queue[n]].name, components[queue[n2]].name) < 0) swap(&queue[n], &queue[n2]); else break; n = n2; } nq++; } // dequeue component and return it's index int dequeue() { int r, n, n2, n3, nn; if (nq == 1) return -1; r = queue[1]; nq--; queue[1] = queue[nq]; n = 1; while (1) { n2 = n * 2; n3 = n2 + 1; if (n3 < nq) { if (strcmp(components[queue[n2]].name, components[queue[n3]].name) < 0) nn = n2; else nn = n3; if (strcmp(components[queue[n]].name, components[queue[nn]].name) < 0) break; else swap(&queue[n], &queue[nn]); n = nn; } else if (n2 < nq) { if (strcmp(components[queue[n]].name, components[queue[n2]].name) < 0) break; else swap(&queue[n], &queue[n2]); n = n2; } else break; } return r; } void init_inverted_subgraph() { int i; for (i=0; i<nc; i++) { components[i].idepends = -1; components[i].idependencies = 0; components[i].iopen = 0; } } // go through all not-installed components needed for component c // and construct inverted dependencies; enqueue all roots of // inverted-dependency graph (i.e. leaves of dependency subgraph) void construct_inverted_subgraph(int c) { int d, dc; components[c].iopen = 1; d = components[c].depends; while (d != -1) { dc = dependencies[d].depends; // construct inverted vertices if (!components[dc].installed) { components[c].idependencies++; idependencies[nid].depends = c; idependencies[nid].next = components[dc].idepends; components[dc].idepends = nid; nid++; if (!components[dc].iopen) construct_inverted_subgraph(dc); } d = dependencies[d].next; } if (!components[c].idependencies) enqueue(c); } void chain_last_component() { int i; i = 0; while (components[i].next != -1 && strcmp(components[nc].name, components[components[i].next].name) > 0) i = components[i].next; components[nc].next = components[i].next; components[i].next = nc; nc++; } void chain_last_dependency(int c) { dependencies[nd].next = components[c].depends; components[c].depends = nd; nd++; } // lookup component, or add it if it doesn't exist; return its index int lookup_component(const char *name) { int i; for (i=0; i<nc; i++) if (strcmp(name, components[i].name) == 0) return i; if (i == MAX_COMPONENTS) printf("Components limit exceeded\n"); strcpy(components[nc].name, name); components[nc].depends = -1; components[nc].installed = 0; components[nc].dependencies = 0; chain_last_component(); return nc - 1; } int get_word(char *buffer, const char **s) { if (**s == 0) return 0; (*s)++; while (**s && **s != ' ') { *buffer++ = **s; (*s)++; } *buffer = 0; return 1; } // install all components for component 'c' (in correct order) and // then install component c void install_component(int c) { int n, d, dc; nid = 0; init_queue(); init_inverted_subgraph(); construct_inverted_subgraph(c); while ((n = dequeue()) != -1) { printf("Instaluji %s.\n", components[n].name); components[n].installed = 1; components[n].autoinstall = 1; d = components[n].idepends; while (d != -1) { dc = idependencies[d].depends; components[dc].idependencies--; if (components[dc].idependencies == 0) enqueue(dc); d = idependencies[d].next; } d = components[n].depends; while (d != -1) { dc = dependencies[d].depends; components[dc].dependencies++; d = dependencies[d].next; } } } // uninstall all components needed just for component 'c' and then // uninstall 'c' void uninstall_component(int c) { int d, dc, n; components[c].installed = 0; init_queue(); enqueue(c); while ((n = dequeue()) != -1) { printf("Odstranuji %s.\n", components[n].name); components[n].installed = 0; d = components[n].depends; while (d != -1) { dc = dependencies[d].depends; components[dc].dependencies--; if (!components[dc].dependencies && components[dc].autoinstall) enqueue(dc); d = dependencies[d].next; } } } // list all components in alphabetical order void list_components() { int c; c = components[0].next; while (c != -1) { if (components[c].installed) printf("%s\n", components[c].name); c = components[c].next; } } void doit() { char buffer[80]; char word[MAX_NAME + 1]; const char *s; int c, ic; nd = 0; nc = 1; // insert component head components[0].name[0] = 0; components[0].next = -1; while (1) { gets(buffer); if (strcmp(buffer, "END") == 0) break; if (strncmp(buffer, "DEPEND", 6) == 0) { s = buffer + 6; get_word(word, &s); ic = lookup_component(word); while (get_word(word, &s)) { c = lookup_component(word); dependencies[nd].depends = c; chain_last_dependency(ic); } } else if (strncmp(buffer, "INSTALL", 7) == 0) { s = buffer + 7; get_word(word, &s); c = lookup_component(word); if (components[c].installed) printf("%s je jiz nainstalovan.\n", components[c].name); else install_component(c); components[c].autoinstall = 0; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "REMOVE", 6) == 0) { s = buffer + 6; get_word(word, &s); c = lookup_component(word); if (!components[c].installed) printf("%s neni instalovan.\n", components[c].name); else if (components[c].autoinstall || components[c].dependencies) printf("%s je stale potreba.\n", components[c].name); else { uninstall_component(c); } } else if (strncmp(buffer, "LIST", strlen("LIST")) == 0) { list_components(); } } } int main() { int i, n; scanf("%i\n", &n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) doit(); return 0; } ![]() #!/lhome/contest/bin/python # # Vzorove reseni ulohy zavislosti v Pythonu # JK, verze 1, 21. dubna # MT 1.1, 4. kvetna import sys import string class component: """ Tato trida obsahuje informace o jedne komponente """ explicit='#Explicit#' # konstanta znamenajici explicitni nacteni def __init__(self): # definuj promenne instance self.needed=[] # seznam tech, ktere potrebujeme self.supports=[] # seznam tech, kvuli kterym tu jsme # vcetne specialni hodnoty '#Explicit#' # supports==[] <=> komponenta neni nainstalovana self.installed=0 # 0 neni, 1 je def main(): # precti pocet zadani line=sys.stdin.readline() n=string.atoi(line) while n>0: vyres() # res jedno zadani n=n-1 pkgs={} # prazdny slovnik. globalni promenna kam budeme ukladat # prvky tridy component - komponenty o kterych neco vime def vyres(): global pkgs # pristup ke globalni promenne line='' pkgs={} while line!='END': # cti az k END line=sys.stdin.readline() # cti jeden radek ze vstupu line=string.strip(line) # odstran whitespace zepredu i zezadu parts=string.split(line) # rozdel na pole # print 'read %s' % line if parts[0]=='DEPEND': # zavolej prislusny prikaz command_depend(parts[1:]) elif parts[0]=='INSTALL': command_install(parts[1]) ; elif parts[0]=='REMOVE': command_remove(parts[1]) ; elif parts[0]=='LIST': command_list() ; elif parts[0]!='END': # neni-li to END, chyba, vyhod vyjimku raise ValueError, '!!! unsupported command' def command_depend(args): # realizuje prikaz depend if pkgs.has_key(args[0]): # uz znama -> chyba raise ValueError, '!!! %s already known' % args[0] nc=component() # nova komponenta - konstruktor seznam=args[1:] seznam.sort() # setrid zavislosti podle abecedy for i in seznam: nc.needed.append(i) # pridej je do seznamu pkgs[args[0]]=nc # pridej komponentu do pkgs def isinstalled(arg): # vrat 1, pokud je komponenta nainstalovana if not pkgs.has_key(arg): return 0 return pkgs[arg].installed def needs(arg): # vrat seznam komponent bezprostredne nutnych if not pkgs.has_key(arg): # pro komponentu arg return [] seznam=[] seznam=pkgs[arg].needed return seznam def allneeds(arg): # seznam komponent, ktere je potreba nainstalovat pro seznam=needs(arg) # komponentu arg, ve spravnem poradi vse=[] for i in seznam: if not isinstalled(i): vse.append(i) dalsi=allneeds(i) for j in dalsi: if not j in vse: vse.append(j) vse.sort() return vse def install(arg): if not pkgs.has_key(arg): nc=component() pkgs[arg]=nc else: nc=pkgs[arg] for i in nc.needed: if not arg in pkgs[i].supports: pkgs[i].supports.append(arg) nc.installed=1 def installexplicit(arg): install(arg) pkgs[arg].supports.append(component.explicit) def isinstallable(arg): seznam=needs(arg) for i in seznam: if not isinstalled(i): # print 'Cannot install %s, %s is missing' % (arg,i) return 0 return 1 def command_install(arg): if isinstalled(arg): print '%s je jiz nainstalovan.' % arg if not component.explicit in pkgs[arg].supports: pkgs[arg].supports.append(component.explicit) return seznam=allneeds(arg) while len(seznam)>0: # print 'seznam', seznam for i in range(0,len(seznam)): q=seznam[i] if isinstallable(q): if not isinstalled(q): print 'Instaluji %s.' % q install(q) del seznam[i] break print 'Instaluji %s.' % arg installexplicit(arg) def command_list(): seznam=pkgs.keys() seznam.sort() for i in seznam: if isinstalled(i): print i def command_remove(arg): if not isinstalled(arg): print '%s neni instalovan.' % arg return seznam=pkgs[arg].supports if len(seznam)==0: raise ValueError, '%s should have already be removed' if len(seznam)!=1 or component.explicit!=seznam[0]: print '%s je stale potreba.' % arg return pkgs[arg].supports=[] remove(arg) def remove(arg): seznam=[arg] # v seznam jsou odstranitelne komponenty # print '@ remove ', arg while len(seznam)>0: # je jeste co odstranovat i=seznam[0] # tuhle budeme odstranovat del seznam[0] sup=pkgs[i].supports # kdo nas potrebuje ? if len(sup)>0: # print '@ %s podporuje' % i, sup continue # jeste nekdo -> zustan print 'Odstranuji %s.' % i kand=pkgs[i].needed # kandidati na odstraneni for j in kand: l=pkgs[j].supports del l[l.index(i)] # odstran i ze seznamu if len(l)==0: seznam.append(j) pkgs[i].installed=0 seznam.sort() # call the main function main() | ||
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