Security in Prague


Prague is a relatively safe town. You do not need to worry there, nobody will rob you with pistols in the streets. Anyway, there are pocket thieves in Prague, as in other big cities all over the world. Please take care of your personal things all the time! Do not carry your passport and/or money in the pocket of your knapsack, back pocket of your pants, or in other easily accessible places. Never leave your things unattended, even for a few seconds.


Taxi drivers often try to abuse foreigners' lack of information. If you intend to use a taxi, read our transportation info page for more details, there are some advices for you.


Important phone numbers for a case of an emergency. We strongly hope you will never need them.

Phone Nr.Description
112new emergency number ("integrated system")
150fire fighters
156city police
158state police
You are visitor number since November 29th, 2003.