Czech ACM Student Chapter
Czech Technical University in Prague
Charles University in Prague
Technical University of Ostrava
ˇ a
Slovak University of Technology
Pavol Jozef Saf´rik University in Koˇice
University of Zilina
Masaryk University
Matej Bel University in Bansk´ Bystrica
University of West Bohemia
CTU Open Contest 2019
sixpack.c, sixpack.cpp,,
The glossy fashionable National Gentlemen and Ladies Beer Magazine runs monthly contests
targeted primarily on young IT experts who are, of course, also the predominant subscribers of
the Magazine. A contest is based on the so-called Sixpack puzzle, printed on the first page of
the Magazine on a stylish beer foam background. The puzzle consists of a rectangular grid with
two rows and three or more columns. Some cells in the grid are empty, some contain a single
decimal digit, different cells might contain different digits. In extreme cases, the grid might be
empty or it might be completely filled. Any three consecutive columns in the grid are called a
sixpack, hence the name of the puzzle.
The grid is accompanied with another integer K which is an integral part of the puzzle.
The task of the reader is to fill each empty cell in the grid with a single digit, in such a way
that the sum of values in each sixpack is equal to K . Different cells may contain different digits.
Next, the reader sends his or her solution of the puzzle to the advisory board of the magazine.
The board keeps track of all the solutions they receive. When the reader's solution is the same
as some other solution received earlier by the board, the reader does not win any prize. When
the reader's solution differs from all solutions received by the board so far, the reader wins a
package of real beer sixpacks of a quality beer brand. The number of sixpacks in the package
is equal to the number of different puzzle solutions which were at the possession of the board
immediately after the moment the board received the reader's solution.
Two solutions are considered different if they differ in the contents of at least one cell in the
grid at the same position.
A reader can send in at most one solution. Any additional solution received from the same
reader is always dismissed. The secretary of the board guarantees that the board never receives
two or more solutions at the same moment in time.
Given a particular Sixpack puzzle, calculate the maximum number of beer sixpacks a Magazine
reader can win in the respective contest. The Magazine is so popular you can be sure that the
number of magazine readers is higher than the number of unique solutions of the puzzle.
Input Specification
The input specifies one Sixpack puzzle. The first input line contains three integers N (3 N
105), K (0 K 100) and M (0 M 2 · 105). N is the number of columns in the grid, K
specifies the prescribed sum in each sixpack and M is the number of predefined values in the
grid. Each of the following M lines contains three integers C (0 C N - 1), R (0 R 1)
and V (0 V 9). C and R specify the column and the row of the cell in the grid, V is the
predefined value in that cell. Each cell's value in the grid is specified at most once.
Output Specification
Output the maximum possible number of sixpacks a magazine reader can win. Print this number
modulo 1 000 000 007.
Sample Input 1
Output for Sample Input 1
Sample Input 2
Output for Sample Input 2
5 17 2