Czech Technical University in Prague
ICPC Foundation
Czech ACM Chapter
Central Europe Regional Contest 2019
Light Emitting Hindenburg
hindenburg.c, hindenburg.cpp,,
Lothar is organizing a concert tour of his friends' rock band. The tour will take place in
November and each day there will be at most one concert. The tour will be very representative
and many musicians are willing to take part in it. The number of musicians in the tour is
strictly prescribed and cannot be changed. Each concert on the tour must be attended by all
the musicians taking part in the tour.
The good news for Lothar is that the number of candidate musicians is at least as big as the
prescribed number of musicians in the tour. The bad news is that a typical musician is not
available during the whole month and that various musicians' schedules differ a lot from each
Long ago, Lothar wrote a core of a computer scheduling system, and he is exploiting it now
to organize the tour. He repeatedly and somewhat randomly chooses a group of musicians of
prescribed size, and lets the system calculate an acceptable tour schedule. The system depends
on a very specific data format. The schedules of musicians and the tour schedules are repre-
sented as numerical codes. The days in November are labeled by their numbers in the month:
1, 2, . . . , 30.
For a given musician, each November day is assigned a particular numerical code. A day with
label L is coded by integer 230-L if the musician is available on that day. Otherwise, the day is
coded by 0. The musician schedule code is the sum of all his or her day codes.
For a given group of musicians, each November day is assigned a particular numerical code. A
day with label L is coded by integer 230-L if all musicians in the group are available on that
day. Otherwise, the day is coded by 0. The group availability code is the sum of all day codes
of the group.
For many additional subtle reasons, Lothar thinks that the best tour would be the one with the
highest possible value of the availability code of the group of musicians taking part in it.
Input Specification
The first line contains two integers N , K (1 K N 2 · 105 ). N is the number of available
musicians, K is the prescribed number of musicians taking part in the tour. The next line
contains a sequence of N positive integers. Each integer in the sequence represents a code of a
schedule of one musician. The codes are listed in arbitrary order.
Output Specification
Print the best possible availability code of any group of K musicians.
Sample Input 1
Output for Sample Input 1
6 15 9 666 1
Output for Sample Input 2
Sample Input 2
13 30 27 20 11 30 19 10