Source code for submission s975

Go to diff to previous submission


  1. #include<cstdio>
  2. #include<cstdlib>
  3. #include<cstring>
  5. #include<cmath>
  6. #include<cctype>
  7. #include<climits>
  8. #include<algorithm>
  9. #include<utility>
  10. #include<string>
  12. #include<deque>
  13. #include<list>
  14. #include<map>
  15. #include<queue>
  16. #include<set>
  17. #include<stack>
  18. #include<vector>
  20. using namespace std;
  22. #define REP(i,N) for (int i = 0; i < (N); i++)
  23. #define FOR(i,a,b) for (int i = (a); i <= (b); i++)
  24. #define FORI(i,a,b) for (int i = (a); i < (b); i++)
  25. #define FORD(i,a,b) for (int i = (a)-1; i >= (b); i--)
  26. #define DP(arg...) fprintf(stderr, ## arg)
  28. typedef long long ll;
  29. typedef long double ld;
  30. typedef pair<int,int> ii;
  32. char P[15][5][6] = {
  33. {
  34. {".XX.."},
  35. {"XX..."},
  36. {".X..."},
  37. {"....."},
  38. {"....."}
  39. },
  40. {
  41. {"X...."},
  42. {"X...."},
  43. {"X...."},
  44. {"X...."},
  45. {"X...."}
  46. },
  47. {
  48. {"X...."},
  49. {"X...."},
  50. {"X...."},
  51. {"XX..."},
  52. {"....."}
  53. },
  54. {
  55. {".X..."},
  56. {".X..."},
  57. {"XX..."},
  58. {"X...."},
  59. {"....."}
  60. },
  61. {
  62. {"XX..."},
  63. {"XX..."},
  64. {"X...."},
  65. {"....."},
  66. {"....."}
  67. },
  68. {
  69. {"XXX.."},
  70. {".X..."},
  71. {".X..."},
  72. {"....."},
  73. {"....."}
  74. },
  75. {
  76. {"X.X.."},
  77. {"XXX.."},
  78. {"....."},
  79. {"....."},
  80. {"....."}
  81. },
  82. {
  83. {"X...."},
  84. {"X...."},
  85. {"XXX.."},
  86. {"....."},
  87. {"....."}
  88. },
  89. {
  90. {"X...."},
  91. {"XX..."},
  92. {".XX.."},
  93. {"....."},
  94. {"....."}
  95. },
  96. {
  97. {".X..."},
  98. {"XXX.."},
  99. {".X..."},
  100. {"....."},
  101. {"....."}
  102. },
  103. {
  104. {".X..."},
  105. {"XX..."},
  106. {".X..."},
  107. {".X..."},
  108. {"....."}
  109. },
  110. {
  111. {"XX..."},
  112. {".X..."},
  113. {".XX.."},
  114. {"....."},
  115. {"....."}
  116. }
  117. };
  119. char A[4];
  120. int a[4];
  121. char poz[12][8][5][6];
  122. int op[4][2] = {{1,1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}};
  123. int res1[25][25];
  124. int res2[25][25];
  126. int table(char c) {
  127. switch(c) {
  128. case 'F': return 0;
  129. case 'I': return 1;
  130. case 'L': return 2;
  131. case 'N': return 3;
  132. case 'P': return 4;
  133. case 'T': return 5;
  134. case 'U': return 6;
  135. case 'V': return 7;
  136. case 'W': return 8;
  137. case 'X': return 9;
  138. case 'Y': return 10;
  139. case 'Z': return 11;
  140. }
  141. }
  143. struct Bod{
  144. int x, y;
  145. bool operator<(const Bod &p) const {
  146. return (x<p.x || (x==p.x && y<p.y));
  147. }
  148. bool operator==(const Bod &p) const {
  149. return (x==p.x && y==p.y);
  150. }
  151. };
  152. struct Konfig{
  153. Bod body[10];
  154. bool operator<(const Konfig &p) const {
  155. for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
  156. if(body[i]<p.body[i])
  157. return true;
  159. if(p.body[i]<body[i])
  160. return false;
  161. }
  163. return false;
  164. }
  165. bool operator==(const Konfig &p) const {
  166. for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
  167. if(!(body[i]==p.body[i]))
  168. return false;
  169. }
  170. return true;
  171. }
  172. void sortp(){
  173. sort(body, body+10);
  174. }
  175. };
  177. vector<Konfig> dobre[12][12];
  180. //vector<Pozice> ppp[12][8];
  182. void generate(int p1, int p2){
  183. //bool exist = 0;
  184. vector<Konfig> nonuni;
  186. REP(i, 8) REP(j, 8) REP(x1, 6) REP(y1, 6) {
  187. REP(p, 20) REP(q, 20) res1[p][q] = 0;
  188. REP(p, 5) REP(q, 5) {
  189. char c = poz[p1][i][p][q];
  190. res1[p][q] += (c=='X')?1:0;
  191. c = poz[p2][j][p][q];
  192. res1[p+x1][q+y1] += (c=='X')?1:0;
  193. }
  194. bool kolize = 0;
  195. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) if (res1[p][q]>1) kolize = 1;
  196. if (kolize) continue;
  198. int pp1, qq1;
  199. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) {
  200. if (res1[p][q]==1) {
  201. pp1 = p; qq1 = q; goto pryc1;
  202. }
  203. }
  204. pryc1:
  206. Konfig k;
  207. int bi = 0;
  208. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10){
  209. if(res1[p][q]){
  210. k.body[bi].x = p-pp1;
  211. k.body[bi].y = q-qq1;
  212. ++bi;
  213. }
  214. }
  216. nonuni.push_back(k);
  218. }
  220. REP(i, nonuni.size())
  221. nonuni[i].sortp();
  223. sort(nonuni.begin(),nonuni.end());
  225. int ui = 0;
  226. REP(i, nonuni.size()){
  227. if(i == 0 || !(nonuni[i]==nonuni[i-1])){
  228. dobre[p1][p2].push_back(nonuni[i]);
  229. }
  230. }
  232. // printf("%d\n",dobre[p1][p2].size());
  233. }
  236. void solve() {
  237. REP(i, 4) a[i] = table(A[i]);
  239. if(a[0]>a[1])
  240. swap(a[0], a[1]);
  241. if(a[2]>a[3])
  242. swap(a[2], a[3]);
  244. //int poz2 = 0;
  245. bool ok = 0;
  246. REP(i, dobre[a[0]][a[1]].size())
  247. REP(j, dobre[a[2]][a[3]].size())
  248. if( dobre[a[0]][a[1]][i]== dobre[a[2]][a[3]][j]){
  249. ok = 1;
  250. goto ven;
  251. }
  253. //for(int poz1=0;poz1<dobre[a[0]][a[1]].size();++poz1);
  255. ven:
  256. printf("%s\n", ok?"YES":"NO");
  257. }
  259. int main() {
  260. REP(i, 12) {
  261. //REP(k, 4) {
  262. REP(x, 5) REP(y, 5) {
  263. poz[i][0][x][y] = P[i][x][y];
  264. poz[i][1][x][y] = P[i][4-x][y];
  265. poz[i][2][x][y] = P[i][x][4-y];
  266. poz[i][3][x][y] = P[i][4-x][4-y];
  267. poz[i][4][x][y] = P[i][y][x];
  268. poz[i][5][x][y] = P[i][4-y][4-x];
  269. poz[i][6][x][y] = P[i][y][4-x];
  270. poz[i][7][x][y] = P[i][4-y][x];
  271. }
  272. //}
  273. }
  275. REP(i, 12) FOR(j, i, 11)
  276. generate(i, j);
  277. while (scanf(" %c %c %c %c", &A[0], &A[1], &A[2], &A[3]) != EOF) {
  278. solve();
  279. }
  280. /*REP(i, 12) FOR(j, i, 11) REP(k, 12) FOR (l, k, 11) {
  281. a[0] = i; a[1] = j; a[2] = k; a[3] = l;
  282. solve();
  283. }*/
  284. return 0;
  285. }
  287. /*
  289. REP(i, 12) REP(j, 8) sort(ppp[i][j].begin(), ppp[i][j].end());
  291. REP(i, 12) REP(j, 8) REP(k, 5) REP(l, 5) {
  292. if (poz[i][j][k][l]=='X')
  293. ppp[i][j].push_back((Pozice){k,l});
  294. }
  296. bool sloz(int a, i, int b, int j, vector<Pozice> &poz) {
  297. vector<Pozice> ans;
  298. REP(q, ppp[a][i].size()) ans.push_back(ppp[a][i][q]);
  299. REP(q, ppp[b][j].size()) ans.push_back(ppp[b][j][q]);
  300. sort(ans.begin(), ans.end());
  301. REP(i, ans.size()-1) if (ans[i]==ans[i+1]) return false;
  302. return true;
  303. }
  307. REP(k, 8) REP(l, 8) REP(x2, 5) REP(y2, 5) {
  308. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) res2[p][q] = 0;
  309. REP(p, 5) REP(q, 5) {
  310. char c = poz[a[2]][k][p][q];
  311. res2[p][q] += (c=='X')?1:0;
  312. c = poz[a[3]][l][p][q];
  313. res2[p+x2][q+y2] += (c=='X')?1:0;
  314. }
  315. bool kolize = 0;
  316. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) if (res2[p][q]>1) kolize = 1;
  317. if (kolize) continue;
  319. bool stejne = 1;
  320. int pp1, qq1, pp2, qq2;
  321. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) {
  322. if (res1[p][q]==1) {
  323. pp1 = p; qq1 = q; goto pryc1;
  324. }
  325. }
  326. pryc1:
  327. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) {
  328. if (res2[p][q]==1) {
  329. pp2 = p; qq2 = q; goto pryc2;
  330. }
  331. }
  332. pryc2:
  334. REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) if (res1[p+pp1][q+qq1]!=res2[p+pp2][q+qq2]) stejne = false;
  335. if (stejne) {
  336. exist = true;
  337. goto ven;
  338. }
  339. }
  340. */

Diff to submission s862


--- c5.s862.cteam022.fp.cpp.0.fp.cpp
+++ c5.s975.cteam022.fp.cpp.0.fp.cpp
@@ -141,13 +141,53 @@
-void solve() {
-        REP(i, 4) a[i] = table(A[i]);
-        bool exist = 0;
-        REP(i, 8) REP(j, 8) REP(x1, 5) REP(y1, 5) {
-                REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) res1[p][q] = 0;
+struct Bod{
+        int x, y;
+        bool operator<(const Bod &p) const {
+                return (x<p.x || (x==p.x && y<p.y));
+        }
+        bool operator==(const Bod &p) const {
+                return (x==p.x && y==p.y);
+        }
+struct Konfig{
+        Bod body[10];
+        bool operator<(const Konfig &p) const {
+                for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
+                        if(body[i]<p.body[i])
+                                return true;
+                        if(p.body[i]<body[i])
+                                return false;
+                }
+                return false;
+        }
+        bool operator==(const Konfig &p) const {
+                for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
+                        if(!(body[i]==p.body[i]))
+                                return false;
+                }
+                return true;
+        }
+        void sortp(){
+                sort(body, body+10);
+        }
+vector<Konfig> dobre[12][12];
+//vector<Pozice> ppp[12][8];
+void generate(int p1, int p2){
+        //bool exist = 0;
+        vector<Konfig> nonuni;
+        REP(i, 8) REP(j, 8) REP(x1, 6) REP(y1, 6) {
+                REP(p, 20) REP(q, 20) res1[p][q] = 0;
                 REP(p, 5) REP(q, 5) {
-                        char c = poz[a[0]][i][p][q];
+                        char c = poz[p1][i][p][q];
                         res1[p][q] += (c=='X')?1:0;
-                        c = poz[a[1]][j][p][q];
+                        c = poz[p2][j][p][q];
                         res1[p+x1][q+y1] += (c=='X')?1:0;
@@ -155,5 +195,115 @@
                 REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) if (res1[p][q]>1) kolize = 1;
                 if (kolize) continue;
-                REP(k, 8) REP(l, 8) REP(x2, 5) REP(y2, 5) {
+                int pp1, qq1;
+                REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) {
+                        if (res1[p][q]==1) {
+                                pp1 = p; qq1 = q; goto pryc1;
+                        }
+                }
+                pryc1:
+                Konfig k;
+                int bi = 0;
+                REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10){
+                        if(res1[p][q]){
+                                k.body[bi].x = p-pp1;
+                                k.body[bi].y = q-qq1;
+                                ++bi;
+                        }
+                }
+                nonuni.push_back(k);
+        }
+        REP(i, nonuni.size())
+                nonuni[i].sortp();
+        sort(nonuni.begin(),nonuni.end());
+        int ui = 0;
+        REP(i, nonuni.size()){
+                if(i == 0 || !(nonuni[i]==nonuni[i-1])){
+                        dobre[p1][p2].push_back(nonuni[i]);
+                }
+        }
+//      printf("%d\n",dobre[p1][p2].size());
+void solve() {
+        REP(i, 4) a[i] = table(A[i]);
+        if(a[0]>a[1])
+                swap(a[0], a[1]);
+        if(a[2]>a[3])
+                swap(a[2], a[3]);
+        //int poz2 = 0;
+        bool ok = 0;
+        REP(i, dobre[a[0]][a[1]].size())
+                REP(j, dobre[a[2]][a[3]].size())
+                        if( dobre[a[0]][a[1]][i]== dobre[a[2]][a[3]][j]){
+                                ok = 1;
+                                goto ven;
+                        }
+        //for(int poz1=0;poz1<dobre[a[0]][a[1]].size();++poz1);
+        printf("%s\n", ok?"YES":"NO");
+int main() {
+        REP(i, 12) {
+                //REP(k, 4) {
+                        REP(x, 5) REP(y, 5) {
+                                poz[i][0][x][y] = P[i][x][y];
+                                poz[i][1][x][y] = P[i][4-x][y];
+                                poz[i][2][x][y] = P[i][x][4-y];
+                                poz[i][3][x][y] = P[i][4-x][4-y];
+                                poz[i][4][x][y] = P[i][y][x];
+                                poz[i][5][x][y] = P[i][4-y][4-x];
+                                poz[i][6][x][y] = P[i][y][4-x];
+                                poz[i][7][x][y] = P[i][4-y][x];
+                        }
+                //}
+        }
+        REP(i, 12) FOR(j, i, 11)
+                generate(i, j);
+        while (scanf(" %c %c %c %c", &A[0], &A[1], &A[2], &A[3]) != EOF) {
+                solve();
+        }
+        /*REP(i, 12) FOR(j, i, 11) REP(k, 12) FOR (l, k, 11) {
+                a[0] = i; a[1] = j; a[2] = k; a[3] = l;
+                solve();
+        }*/
+        return 0;
+        REP(i, 12) REP(j, 8) sort(ppp[i][j].begin(), ppp[i][j].end());
+        REP(i, 12) REP(j, 8) REP(k, 5) REP(l, 5) {
+                if (poz[i][j][k][l]=='X')
+                        ppp[i][j].push_back((Pozice){k,l});
+        }
+bool sloz(int a, i, int b, int j, vector<Pozice> &poz) {
+        vector<Pozice> ans;
+        REP(q, ppp[a][i].size()) ans.push_back(ppp[a][i][q]);
+        REP(q, ppp[b][j].size()) ans.push_back(ppp[b][j][q]);
+        sort(ans.begin(), ans.end());
+        REP(i, ans.size()-1) if (ans[i]==ans[i+1]) return false;
+        return true;
+REP(k, 8) REP(l, 8) REP(x2, 5) REP(y2, 5) {
                         REP(p, 10) REP(q, 10) res2[p][q] = 0;
                         REP(p, 5) REP(q, 5) {
@@ -188,28 +338,3 @@
-        }
-        if (exist) printf("YES\n");
-        else printf("NO\n");
-int main() {
-        REP(i, 12) {
-                //REP(k, 4) {
-                        REP(x, 5) REP(y, 5) {
-                                poz[i][0][x][y] = P[i][x][y];
-                                poz[i][1][x][y] = P[i][4-x][y];
-                                poz[i][2][x][y] = P[i][x][4-y];
-                                poz[i][3][x][y] = P[i][4-x][4-y];
-                                poz[i][4][x][y] = P[i][y][x];
-                                poz[i][5][x][y] = P[i][4-y][4-x];
-                                poz[i][6][x][y] = P[i][y][4-x];
-                                poz[i][7][x][y] = P[i][4-y][x];
-                        }
-                //}
-        }
-        while (scanf(" %c %c %c %c", &A[0], &A[1], &A[2], &A[3]) != EOF) {
-                solve();
-        }
-        return 0;