Czech ACM Student Chapter
Czech Technical University in Prague
Charles University in Prague
Technical University of Ostrava
ˇ a
Slovak University of Technology
Pavol Jozef Saf´rik University in Koˇice
University of Zilina
Masaryk University
Matej Bel University in Bansk´ Bystrica
University of West Bohemia
CTU Open Contest 2011
Mine the Gradient
gradient.c, gradient.C,, gradient.p
If we need to be prepared for the possible danger of an alien invasion, the first thing to do is to
find out where can they come from. One way to determine if a planet is inhabited by intelligent
creatures is to study high resolution pictures of planets trying to find typical characteristics of
effects of an intelligent life. There are so many habitable planets that a computer program must
be written for this task. One distinctive feature of a colonized planets is the presence of surface
mines. An alien mine is a square structure with a depth uniformly decreasing from one of the
sides of the square towards the opposite.
Your task is to find the largest mine on a provided bitmap image of a planet. The picture is
a rectangular grid of numbers between 0 and 65535, representing the shades of grey. Mines
will appear as squares of either the same shade or with shade levels gradually and uniformly
changing from one side to another. See the above figure for an example. Your program will
consider only square mines in some special orientations.
An axis-parallel square is the set of pixels (i, j) such that c1 i c2 and r1 j r2 for some
c1, c2, r1, r2, c2 - c1 = r2 - r1.
A vertically (horizontally) oriented mine is an axis-parallel square for which there exist integers
S and K such that the shade of every pixel (i, j) of the square is equal to S + iK (S + jK for
horizontally oriented mines).
A diagonally oriented mine is an axis-parallel square for which there exist integers Q ∈ {1, -1},
S and K such that the shade of every pixel (i, j) of the square is equal to S + (i + Qj)K .
Input Specification
The input contains several descriptions of pictures. The first line of each description contains
two numbers N and M (1 N, M 2000), the height and width of the picture. The following
N lines contain M space-separated integers each -- there is at least one space character between
numbers but there may be more spaces and also additional spaces at the beginning or end of the
line are allowed. The j-th number in the i-th row Ai,j (0 Ai,j 65535) describes the shade
of grey of the pixel in the ith row and jth column of the picture bitmap.
The last description is followed by a line containing two zeros.
Output Specification
For each picture, output the area (number of pixels inside) of the largest horizontal, vertical, or
diagonal mine.
Sample Input
10  1 13 20
18  9 11 13
10  1
18  9
5 1000  9
10 12 15 20
5  9 13 10
5  9 13  6
5  9 13  7
Output for Sample Input