Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
sponsored by IBM
Central Europe Regional Contest 2007
Czech Technical University Celebrates 300 Years!
Dear Contestants!
The Czech Technical University has been founded in 1707, which means, it celebrates the 300th
anniversary this year.
This problem set presents you some real-life situations from the university environment. Your
task will be to create a new software that would help to cope with some everyday problems that
such a big and old university may meet.
All of your programs will read one single file from the standard input. The results will be written
to the standard output. You are not allowed to use any other files. Input and output formats
are described in problem statements and your program must exactly comply with them.
If not specified otherwise, all input numbers and results will fit into a signed 32-bit integer type.
End of text lines are represented by UNIX standards, i.e., by one character with the ASCII code
of 10. These characters are not considered a part of the respective line.
As mentioned before, we need the correct answer produced in some limited time. Nothing else
matters. You may choose any algorithm, any programming style.
Good luck with your mission!
Your organizing team
This problem set consists of eleven sheets of paper (including this one) and contains ten problems.
Please make sure that you have the complete set.