Central European Regional Contest 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
The Central European Programming Contest is one of the
regional programming contests to select the teams that
will represent our region in the finals of the 36th ACM International
Collegiate Programming Contest. The ACM contest is a
programming world championship for college students. Started in
1970 as a local contest in Texas, it is spanning the whole world
Additionals informations are in fact sheet.
The Central European Programming Contest 2011 is organized by the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The CERC was held on November 11-13, 2011. More than 70 teams from seven countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) are expected to compete.
Good luck to all the teams!
Final standings, homes, problems, official solutions, submited solutions, tasks from Cipher Contest and photos you can find in CONTEST tab.