Czech ACM Student Chapter
Czech Technical University in Prague
Charles University in Prague
Technical University of Ostrava
Slovak University of Technology
Masaryk University
ˇ Ž
University of Zilina
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Koˇice
CTU Open Contest 2010
ProhibiciŽn de fumar
fumar.c, fumar.C,, fumar.p
When travelling abroad (to the World Finals, for example), you should always obey all local laws
of every country you visit. In some countries, they have laws that prohibit smoking closer than
some given distance D from any building. In a modern world, it becomes a pressing question
whether there is any place where you could legally smoke in a town at all.
Fortunately, the town we consider here was built in an orderly way, making it easier to decide
this question. The boundary of the town is an axis-parallel rectangle R and the buildings are
pairwise disjoint axis-parallel rectangles contained inside R. Since police patrols are generally
not equipped with micrometers, it is possible to smoke at any spot within the town (including
the boundary rectangle) whose distance to the closest building is at least (D - 1) meters and 90
Input Specification
The input contains several towns. Each town description consists of several lines. The first line
contains four integers D, Rx, Ry , and N separated by a space. The number D (1 D 100 000)
gives the minimum distance from the buildings at which the smoking is legal. Rx and Ry
(1 Rx, Ry 100 000) give the dimensions of the town, which covers a rectangle with vertices
at the coordinates (0, 0), (Rx, 0), (Rx, Ry ), and (0, Ry ). Finally, N (0 N 200) is the number
of buildings in the town.
Each of the following N lines contains four integers Fx, Fy , Tx, Ty (0 Fx < Tx Rx,
0 Fy < Ty Ry ), giving the coordinates (Fx, Fy ), (Fx, Ty ), (Tx, Ty ), and (Tx, Fy ) of the
corners of the particular buildings.
The last town is followed by a line containing four zeros.
Output Specification
For each input instance, if there is any place in the town where smoking is permitted, output
a single line containing two real numbers X and Y rounded to two decimal places, giving the
coordinates (X, Y ) of any point inside the town boundaries whose distance is at least D -
0.1m from any of the buildings. Otherwise, the line should contain the string "Smoking not
To avoid rounding errors, you may assume that the town is built in such a way that either there
exists a point whose distance from every building is at least D + 0.1m, or that all points in the
town are closer than D - 0.1m to some building.
Or, from the other perspective, whether your favorite town finally became smoke-free.
Sample Input
8 20 20 1
7 7 13 13
10 20 20 1
7 7 13 13
Output for Sample Input
1.34 1.34
Smoking not permitted!